Meeting Minutes Jan 18 2018

Centennial Elementary PTA
Minutes January 18th, 2018
Officers in attendance: Kasey Scott, Crystal Mason, Ariana Denley, Amanda Kennedy, Misty Peters
Members in attendance: Dan Sterling, Mike Maulding, Krystal Holm, Jamie Bartow, Jenny Cathey, Megan Collins, Kristin Bennett
Guests: Kristine Fuller, Kristy Toensing      

Meeting called to order by Crystal Mason @1805.
Minutes reviewed. Motion to approve minutes by Kasey Scott. Seconded by Ariana Denley.

Principal’s Report: Mr. Sterling Reported
o   Pizza w/Principals for students who did good on Jog-a-thon happened after winter break
o   Piloting QAP (Quality Assessment Program) as a school
§  Teachers are skilled in using a lot of resources
§  Teachers learning things that most teachers are not exposed to
o   Assessment evening will be happening in February
o   State Testing will happen after spring break
§  Opt out forms are available for parents in office
o   District initiative toward attendance
§  Every minute counts for students learning
§  Sending out letters to parents if 4 misses or 4 tardies a month (Unless exceptions)
o   Valentines Classroom parties will happen on February 14th
Treasure Report: Amanda Kennedy reported
o   Total for Papa’s Pizza in Fall was $539.28
o   Follow-up for next Papa’s Pizza fundraiser (Jan 30th) will be at next meeting

Reading Olympics 2/19-03/02-Kristine Fuller reported
o   Option to start on 02/21/18 instead of 02/19/18 approved to make the total time down to ten days
o   Kristy Toensing will co-chair this event w/Kristine Fuller
o   Opening ceremony will happen on 02/21/18 at 2:00pm
o   JJ the BlueJay will be the star w/Dan Sterling
o   Eugene Emerald brochure will be handed out along with Reading Olympics info
o   Prizes: Passes for restaurants or activities (Donations) and Centennial Gear
o   Book Fair-Need Volunteers
Family Center Report: Crystal Mason reported
o   Gifts for Christmas holidays and baskets summary
o   Family Reading Night-March 2nd (6-7:30pm)
§  Crafts
§  Cocoa/Cookies w/Principal in Gym
§  Mr. Ochoa will be the reader/interpreter for Spanish speakers
§  Option to have more people at book giveaway tables to make sure everyone gets a book
Old Business: Kasey Scott reported
o   Book Fair Update
§  Sales were decreased by $322 this year
§  Library donations were down
§  Classroom/Teachers donations increased
New Business: Crystal Mason reported
o   Valentines (Friendship) classroom parties will happen on February 14th
§  Megan Collins and Tyler Doak will coordinate
o   Papa’s Pizza fundraiser-January 30th all day at Coburg Road pizza location
§  Flyer is coming and will be emailed out from Crystal when available
o   Family Swim Night Day-02/17/18
o   Spring Book Fair 04/23/18-04/30
§  Volunteers Needed
o   Bingo Night (04/27/18)
§  6-8pm in the evening. Prizes will include Centennial backpacks and trinket toy
o   Friends and Family Luncheon (04/27/18)
§  Megan Collins will coordinate
o   Shape-Up across Oregon program presentation
§  Waiting for more information
§  End of the year event possibility
§  More parent’s involvement less teacher’s involvement
Meeting Adjourned @1915 by Kasey Scott
Next Meeting in planned for March 15th, 2018

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